Welcome to Edison's Co


Omni is a new method to own and access non-essential items. Your personal concierge.

Event Marketing
Social Media Marketing

Through targeting channels and groups that focus on traveling and moving, we increase their conversion rate while decreasing their marketing effort.
We organized several events near the UC Berkeley campus to increase the number of Omni users while simultaneously expanding their branding. By establishing partnerships with local businesses, we incentivized the usage of their application multiplying their conversion rate.

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var trackClickEvent = function () { var eventCategory = this.getAttribute("data-event-category") || "unknown"; var eventLabel = this.getAttribute("data-event-label") || ""; gtag('event', eventCategory, { 'label' : eventLabel, 'debug_mode': true }); }; var elementsToTrack = document.getElementsByClassName("ga-event"); for (var i = 0; i < elementsToTrack.length; i++) { elementsToTrack[i].addEventListener('click', trackClickEvent, false); }